Thank you for partnering with us to grow the community of Christ one life at a time.
We believe that giving financially is as much an act of worship as praying, singing, and serving. We trust when we do our part, God will do what only He can do and bless the ministries of His church to reach one more person for Christ.
Malachi 3:10 • Matthew 23:23 • 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Thank you for partnering with
us to grow the community of Christ one life at a time.
We believe that giving financially is as much an act of worship as praying, singing, and serving. We trust when we do our part, God will do what only He can do and bless the ministries of His church to reach one more person for Christ.
Malachi 3:10 • Matthew 23:23 • 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
To download your 2024 giving statement, navigate to LHC Church Center, log into your account with your phone number, and select your profile. Click on Me, then on My Giving, and then select Statements from the left-hand side of the screen. From the Statements tab, you’ll be able to download your giving statement. If your statement is unavailable to download, please contact Christy Ivie at civie@lhc.org.
2024 Giving Statements will be made available before January 31, 2025. Instructions on how to access statements will be made available at that time. If you need a statement from a previous year, please contact Jami Keller at jkeller@lhc.org.